
Within the cosmically empowered ice dome, Galaxxor observed from a distance as the Zyldrani Seer NeoXandizer sat in commune with the demigod Odin. Their travels had brought them here, the frost planet Ragnarok-9, seeking guidance from Odin. Aphpa Primaris, the home of The Space Gods, had been taken by Gorgax and his legion. Most of the 999 other Galaxxors were locked in combat with the Scarabite Legion on the other side of the galaxy. Even for a Zyldrani Seer, the labyrinthine direction of the threads of destiny was unclear.

NeoXandizer and Odin sat in lotus position on opposite sides of a blue scrying fire. Amid the crackling cosmic flame, visions of Alpha Primaris began to materialize. Gorgax sat upon a throne in the inner sanctum of the dead Space Gods. Legions of Wraithdroid Troopers formed endless columns, flanked by massive Mechalith: Mobile Fortess constructs. Alpha Primaris, itself, was encircled by a crackling cosmic rift. The Rubicon Void. But there were other visions- On the surface of Alpha Primaris, stealthy surgical strikes against Gorgax’s troops came in the form of Xaturna assassins. And deep within the crystalline structures of Alpha Primaris, another entity began to stir- Galaxxor Prime.

You and this Galaxxor will have to traverse The Rubicon Void, join up with these Xaturnas and Galaxxor Prime, and disable the rift by defeating Wizards who have created it. boomed the voice of Odin.

Will you not join us? replied NeoXandizer.

This protective rift seems to have been created with the primary purpose of keeping me out. Once you have disabled The Rubicon Void, I will join you on Alpha Primaris. replied Odin.

The scrying flame began to grow and undulate wildly. Images of alien entities from alternate dimensions popped in and out of reality. A cosmic black crackle spiraled forth from the flame, lifting NeoXandizer and the Galaxxor into the air, as if analyzing their composition. With a sonic boom, a third entity appeared between them.

Greetings. the Traveler said. It appears as if you could use some help.

Not enough can be said about the inspiration and behind the scenes guidance that comes from Onell Design’s Matt Doughty, when it comes to all things Galaxxxor. So I’m beyond honored to have the opportunity to collaborate with Matt by utilizing the Pheylaxxor head that he has designed and sculpted. Such incredible work! And so much potential for future colorways!

I’m looking forward to sharing these latest 5.5” Glyos-compatible offerings with you tonight, 01.14.22 at 7pm CST, in the Galaxxor Online store.

We’ll have a few exciting pieces in some colors that came out even more stunningly than I had anticipated. First off will be our more “standard” Galaxxor offering, Rubicon Galaxxor. But we’ll also have the star of tonight’s show, Pheylaxxor (Rubicon Pattern) and his Zyldrani Seer alt character mode, NeoXandizer. This figure will come with both heads for both display options.

But wait(as they say), there’s more!

We’re going to also have a super limited edition (only 5!) resin offering in the form of Xaturna (Ordo Hecate). This 5.5” resin figure was cast in clear resin filled with holographic glitter by the mighty Underworld Customs, was hand painted by yours truly, and features magnetic articulation at the neck, shoulders and waist.

We’ve also got a super limited number of Galaxxor Primes hanging around in the shop, as well as enamel pins, deluxe sticker packs AND an MP3 download of a theme song for the Rubicon adventure.

See you tonight, 01.14.22 at 7pm CST in The Galaxxor online store!


The Saga of The Gatekeeper Codex


Designercon 2021