Galaxxor 007 Header Card Art Preview

Check out this awesome piece of art which is about to become the header card for the next Galaxxor release, Galaxxor 007! This was done by none other than Tim Seeley, with some amazing colorization by Ryan Browne.
Stay tuned for more Galaxxor 007 sneaks (there are already quite a few on the Galaxxor Facebook page and the Twitter feed) in the very near future. What I can share is that the 007 will see an exclusive release at Power-Con/ThunderCon, the He-Man, She-Ra and ThunderCats fan convention, in Los Angeles 09.24-09.25. Attendees at the con will have the first opportunity to get their hands on one.
More coming very, very soon!

Galaxxor 007 Drops 09.24.11 at Power-Con


Galaxxor 006 Drops 09.06.11 @ Noon CST